Saturday, July 2, 2011

Freelancers need to 'be out there pitching'

Afternoon panelists Marc Allan, Terry Horne, Dan Lee, Jen Wagner and Tom Spalding

From Marc Allan:

“We know how to find information, and we’re not afraid to ask. People don’t want to ask questions, but we do and we can distill information from what we learn. We also know how to tell an interesting story, and most people can’t do that.

“We write really fast, and that’s something other people don’t understand. I went to do a news release. They told me, ‘Can you have this for me in three weeks?’

“I continue to do journalism, writing for Nuvo, IBJ, Indianapolis Monthly, (also published in The Washington Post and The Los Angeles Times).

“All you have to do is be out there pitching, and let people know you’re out there.”

What it was like moving to his new job in university public relations:

“It was an amazing revelation to me that you could go to work and be happy, and then go home and be happy to come back to work…”

Bottom line: “It’s important to have an exit strategy. Think about what you want to do. Decide what you like and what makes you happy.”

- John Strauss

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