Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Dear IndyStar Friends

Please consider joining us for “Celebrating Service, Looking to the Future,” our networking event for former and current Star staffers and friends sponsored by The Newspaper Guild.

It’s this Saturday, July 2, from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. at IUPUI’s Information Technology Building, Room 160, at the corner of Michigan and West streets.

If you have not seen the invitation on Facebook, please drop me a note. If you have seen the invitation, click on the link to let us know you will attend.

The lineup includes Tom Spalding, Kevin Corcoran, George McLaren, Janet Williams, Mark Land, Jen Wagner, Terry Burns, IU’s Jim Brown, and longtime PR experts Lou Gerig and Erik Johnson – all there to help you network and think about your next steps.

This is a fantastic opportunity to hear from and meet a great bunch of professional communicators. Programs like it often cost hundreds of dollars to attend, but this one is free.

Please join your friends at this important gathering, and message me if you have any questions.


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